Magnus Golf - Shoot your shot
Magnus Golf is the leading golf course online presence management platform. Take control of your online presence and grow your business.

Why Choose Us?
We understand the unique needs of golf clubs and offer customized solutions to enhance your online presence.
- Easy to Use
- Our websites are user-friendly, allowing you to update content effortlessly.
- Reliable
- We provide reliable hosting and support to ensure your site is always up and running.
- Secure
- Security is our priority, protecting your club's data and member information.

Our Services
From website design to SEO optimization, we offer a full range of services to boost your club's online visibility.
- Custom Design
- Tailored designs that reflect your club's unique identity.
- SEO Optimization
- Improve your search engine rankings and attract more visitors.
- Social Media Integration
- Connect your website with social media platforms to engage with your audience.

Our Commitment
We are dedicated to helping golf clubs thrive online with professional and effective web solutions.
Easy to Use
Our websites are designed for ease of use, allowing you to focus on your club's activities.
Dependable service and support to keep your site running smoothly.
Advanced security measures to protect your club's information.
Custom Design
Unique designs that capture the essence of your club.
SEO Optimization
Strategies to enhance your online visibility and reach.
Social Media Integration
Seamless integration with social media to expand your reach.
What our customers are saying.
Proident sunt exercitation minim laborum enim laboris labore esse.
Nostrud tempor sunt fugiat. Dolor in sint dolore labore non occaecat adipisicing Lorem labore ullamco enim excepteur. In fugiat Lorem sit velit id veniam esse eiusmod non ea voluptate cupidatat reprehenderit ullamco dolore. Mollit laborum occaecat aliquip.
Rose Roberson
CEO at Company
Eiusmod dolor aute ut nulla pariatur officia consequat aute amet exercitation.
Chace Rodgers
CEO at Company
Id duis velit enim officia ad nisi incididunt magna ex dolor minim deserunt dolor. Esse incididunt cillum nostrud esse do quis amet labore amet nulla eiusmod amet nulla Lorem. Incididunt ex voluptate irure officia laboris ea proident est qui.
Cornelius Sheppard
CEO at Company
Velit consectetur in adipisicing culpa eiusmod commodo eu ex dolore. Officia irure nisi dolor dolore velit fugiat. Aliqua sint aliqua aute elit eu sunt.
Destinee Woods
CEO at Company
Proident quis deserunt qui ex exercitation veniam id Lorem est cupidatat ipsum irure aliquip ad.
Kaleb Mccormick
CEO at Company
Magna officia quis ea ea in officia non voluptate ipsum culpa do labore sunt. Aute est dolore commodo sint officia ad laboris dolor magna aliquip exercitation tempor commodo.
Jazmin Mccall
CEO at Company
Get started today
We're here to help you take control of your online presence and grow your business.